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Local navigation

Navigate to different pages related to the current page

The local navigation is a tree (hierarchical list) of links representing a portion of a website. The current page should be one of the elements in the tree.


Avoid the word left to refer to this component. Prefer “local navigation”, “side menu”, “submenu” or “sidebar”. Instructions using only visual location (“left”) go against SC 1.3.3. Sensory Characteristics (Level A) in WCAG 2.1

When to use

To show the main navigation hierarchy

When not to use

  • When the entire page is a “landing” that contains links to lower levels, and a local navigation only adds redudancy to the main content.
  • For same-page navigation (hash # links)
  • For related pages not included in the same hierarchy as the current page
  • For pages that are not part of any hierarchy

Do not use this component if the “sidebar” is used for something else, for example showing a filter panel in a search service

How it works

General structure

  • Container. It should be a <nav> element

    Use the aria-labelledby attribute in combination with an ID in the heading:

    <nav aria-labelledby="local-navigation-heading">
      <h2 id="local-navigation-heading">KTH Style</h2>

    It is better to use aria-labelledby instead of aria-label because of inconsistencies in automatic translations

  • An optional back link. When present, the link should go to a page outside of the local navigation, usually one level up in the website hiearchy.

    For example, in the local navigation for KTH Style, the back link should go to intranet.

    Do not use aria-label to overwrite the label of this element

  • A heading. Title of the portion of the website represented. It should be a <h2> element

    The heading should be the same in all listed pages in the menu. You can use “title of the top-most page in the local hierarchy”, but not “current page title”

    Avoid words like “navigation” or “menu”.

The navigation tree can include:

  • Non-expandable link. Link to single page without any subpage under it.
  • Expandable links. Link to a page with subpages under it.

In the following tree, Skolan för elektronik och datavetenskap is non-expandable; Utbildning is expandable.

├── Skolan för elektronik och datavetenskap
├── Utbildning
│   ├── Utbildning i eletronik och datavetenskap
│   └── Forskarutbildning
└── Forskning
    ├── Institutioner
    └── Forskningsavdelningar

All links (expandable and non-expandable) should:

  • Be links (HTML <a> element)
  • Should go to an existing page (href attribute should not be empty, nor #, javascript:void(0) or similar “do not do anything” values)

Indicate current position

Use aria-current="page" attribute in the <a> tag that points to the current page.

<a href="/utbildning" aria-current="page">Utbildning</a>
  • Use the class expandable for the link
  • Use both classes expandable and expanded for expandables that are opened.
  • Use <ul class="kth-local-navigation__submenu"> just after the expanded link for the links in submenu
  • If the current page is under some expandable link, all expandable direct ancestors of the link should be expanded per default. Use the classes expandable expanded to indicate that a link is expanded
  • All other expandable links should not be expanded by default.

The following tree is a an example indicating the current page and the menus that should be expanded

├── Skolan för elektronik och datavetenskap
├── Utbildning (should be expanded)
│   ├── Utbildning i eletronik och datavetenskap (current page)
│   └── Forskarutbildning
└── Forskning (should not be expanded)
    ├── Institutioner
    └── Forskningsavdelningar
<nav class="kth-local-navigation" aria-labelledby="local-navigation-title">
  <h2 id="local-navigation-title">EECS</h2>
      <a href="#">Skolan för elektronik och datavetenskap</a>
      <a href="#" class="expandable expanded">Utbildning</a>
      <ul class="kth-local-navigation__submenu">
          <a href="#" aria-current="page">
            Utbildning i elektronik och datavetenskap
      <a href="#" class="expandable">Forskning</a>

When user clicks the expandable link

  • They go to the first element in the submenu
  • The submenu is expanded

Do not mark the expanded link as current when visiting it. Mark the page inside it as current

In the following example, only “Utbildning i elektronik och datavetenskap” should marked as current (even if “Utbildning” goes to the same page)

├── Skolan för elektronik och datavetenskap
└── Utbildning
    └── Utbildning i eletronik och datavetenskap (current)

The following image summarizes the behavior of expandable links